Simple past e past continuous

Simple past e past continuous
Feito por Heloísa,Bárbara, Sarah e Ana B 9 ano A 

1. We usually utilize the Simple Past to express actions that:

Started in the past and will directly affect the future
Started in the past and ended in it
Started in the past and are still affecting the present

The right estructure for using the Simple Past in the affirmative form is:

Subjet + Be + Verb +ING
Subject + Verb + Complement
Subject + Past form of the verb + Complement

3. The alternative that is in the Simple Past is:

She finished her homework yesterday
I am studying English since 2019
Camila and I started talking on November 4th

4. The sentence “Jenna Rink threw her DreamHouse at her best friend” in the interrogative form of Simple Past would be:

Did Jenna Rink threw her DreamHouse at her best friend?
Did Jenna Rink throw her DreamHouse at her best friend?
Jenna Rink is throwing her DreamHouse at her best friend?

5. The Past Continuous can be represented by the sentence:

The baby cried all night
Didn’t they play in a band as teenagers?
She was listening to Mac DeMarco when you called

6. Rock n’ Roll was the most valued style of music in the 90s. The band Aerosmith, for an example, were super famous for using this type of music. The exerpt from their song Cryin’ “I was cryin’ when I met you Now I’m tryin’ to forget you” is in the:

Simple Past
* Past Continuous

7. The sentence “Hailey cried at Alex’s graduation” is in the:

Present Continuous
Past continuous
Simple past

8. “Cameron was _ (pick) Lily from school when Mitchell _ (call).” The verbs conjugated in the past continuous and past simple are, respectively:


9. The sentence “He was washing the dishes when Kate call.” is:

Wrong, because one of the verbs is not conjugated.
Right, because the verbs are both conjugated.
B) Wrong, because they are not in the Infinitive.

10. “Mia and sebastian did not get married at the end of the movie.”. This sentence is:

In the Present Continuous
None of the options above
In the Simple Past
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