Slang in English & Useful Phrases in the Streets

Slang in English & Useful Phrases in the Streets

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Imagem de perfil user: Teacher Brayan Querino

What does "YOLO" stand for?

a) You Only Live Once
b) You Only Laugh Once
c) Your Own Little Option

If someone says "That’s cool," what do they mean?

a) They think something is awesome.
b) It’s cold outside.
c) They are feeling calm.

What does "bummer" express?

a) Disappointment
b) Happiness
c) Excitement

If you "crash" after work, what are you doing?

a) Sleeping
b) Exercising
c) Going out

How would you say "sem problemas" in English?

c) Bail
b) Chill
a) No worries
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