Summative work: São Paulo x City of Breves - PARÁ

Summative work: São Paulo x City of Breves - PARÁ
Energy-Electricity work! 

What is some of the tipes of energy?

Water and Lightning energy.
Coal and Éolic energy.
Eólic and Solar energy.

What is an conductor of eletricity?

Is an material that let eletrons move better like iron.
Is material that don't let eletrons move easly like iron.
Is an material that let eletrons move better like rubber.

What is an insulator of energy?

Is some object that don't let eletrons move easily like rubber.
Is some object that let eletrons move easily like iron.
Is some object that don't let eletrons move easily like iron.

How is the routine of the houses on Breves, that don't have eletricity?

They have wood ovens, candles and they move by ships.
They have wood ovens, TV's and they move by subways.
They have freezers, candles and they move by ships.

How is the life on SP, that have a lot of energy?

The people is accustomed to don’t have cars on the street because is an calm place.
The people don't like to turn on the lights and don't waste energy.
The people is accustomed to have eletrical light, oven and etc.
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