Tente acertar a alternativa certa

Tente acertar a alternativa certa

O que é Zero Conditional? Ele recebe esse nome pois em sua formação, nós usamos o verbo sempre no present simple

Imagem de perfil user: Eloysa Menedin
Eloysa Menedin

Acerte o Zero Conditional

If she has enough money, she is going to buy souvenirs
If you heat ice, it melts

Zero Conditional

I always get hungry during class if i don’t have breakfast
I always got hungry during class if i didn’t have breakfast

Zero Conditional

If ice-cream gets warm it melts
If your ice-cream gets warm, it will melt

Zero Conditional

If you go out with friends, we normally go to a restaurant
If you hadn’t forgotten her birthday, she wouldn’t have bene upsey

Zero Conditional

You could have helped me if you’d stayed later
If i’m tired, i go to bed early
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