The other side of social media

The other side of social media

Problems caused by social media

Imagem de perfil user: Clara Botelho
Clara Botelho



For a person to be considered sedentary they need:

If you remain inactive for a long time (on your cell phone, computer or other devices)
To like the nature
Go to the gym every day and play sports
Don't socialize

Is sedentary lifestyle greater in adults, adolescents or kids?


How does being actively online affect your social life?

Anxiety, depression, isolation and addiction
Joy, dopamine and anger
connection, excitement, and fulfillment

Many people develop a psychological dependence on social media. Why?

because it improves their ability to focus and increases their productivity.
For not having anything to do
Social media content influences neurological impulses and connections, making it difficult to disconnect from the flow of information.

What is cyberbullying?

Intimidations in social media
Intimidations in school
gives compliments and positive feedback online to make others feel better about themselves.

How is it characterized?

supportive and encouraging messages aimed at boosting someone's self-esteem online
It is characterized as a group of people sending stickers online.
It is characterized by the repetition of offensive actions, such as the dissemination of images, vídeos or messages, against an individual or group.

What is comparison?

the process of celebrating the unique qualities of every individual without ever noticing differences
Compare two objects
Self Comparison with other people

What causes self-comparison?

It is often linked to the search for validation, acceptance or self-affirmation, but can lead to feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem and dissatisfaction.
Like someone
a strong sense of contentment and satisfaction with one's own life, leaving no need to compare with others

What is the impact of fake news on society?

o enhance public understanding and foster informed decision-making.
People won't know the news of the day
Contributes to misinformation among the population. Furthermore, fake news interferes with people's actions, decision-making and even political positioning.

What does FAKE NEWS mean?

Noticias falsas
Noticias novas
relatórios genuínos e verdadeiros verificados por especialistas
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