Social media vrs Mental health

Social media vrs Mental health

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Imagem de perfil user: Leticia Ramos Rodrigues



Which of the following factors can contribute to mental health?

Regular exercise
Excess of work
Social isolation

What is a sign of positive mental health?

Having difficulty dealing with stress
Constantly feeling overwhelmed
Feel capable of dealing with challenges

What activity can improve mental health?

Ignore emotions
Staying in toxic environments
Practice gratitude daily

What is a mental health risk factor?

Practice self-compassion
Have a strong support system
Substance abuse

How can social media affect mental health?

Creating unrealistic standards of comparison
Promote connection and support
Encourage emotional expression

What is important to keep mental health in balance?

Practice constant self-criticism
Ignore signs of stress
Cultivate healthy relationships

What are safe strategies for dealing with stress?

Isolate yourself from others
Avoid problems and challenges
Practice deep breathing and meditation

How does self-esteem affect mental health?

Promote self-acceptance
Increase emotional resilience
Causing feelings of inferiority

What is self-care in relation to mental health?

Ignoring signs of burnout
Prioritize the needs of others over your own
Set aside time for rest and relaxation

How important is communication in mental health?

Suppress emotions and thoughts
Share feelings and seek support
Isolate yourself from others
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