The passive - English Unit 3 presentation.

The passive - English Unit 3 presentation.

Resolva os exercícios a seguir:

Imagem de perfil user: Maria Laura Prado
Maria Laura Prado

A system in which the inventory _______(monitor), planned and managed by the manufacturer on behalf of the customer

is monitor
is monitored

Products that have similar characteristics tegarding their selling profile ________ (categorizien) to 'families’

Are categorized

Real-time demand ______ (identify) electronic cash register and the product

Is identified

Indique a alternativa que expressa o mesmo significado de: When children watch TV, they encounter a wide range of places, people,and information.

When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information is encountered.
When children watch TV, a wide range of places, people, and information are encountered

The passive voice is used in “Orkut was quietly launched on January 22, 2004”. Find the sentence that is also in the passive voice.

Several social groups could be connected by the Internet.
Communities have never rejected new members.
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