The Use of Fire:

The Use of Fire:

In the digital exhibition The Adaptive Cultural Practices Brazil-Australia you will find comparative modules with curiosities and information about the cultural aspects of the indigenous peoples of these two countries. For example: is the use of fire by the indigenous population of Brazil similar to that of the indigenous population of Australia? Test your knowledge! To know more:

Imagem de perfil user: Museu PUCRS


1 - Making and mastering fire have been proven skills since approximately:

1 - Making and mastering fire have been proven skills since approximately:

500,000 years
800,000 years
600,000 years
2 - For the native peoples of Brazil, the existence of fire and smoke was explained by many accounts. For the Taulipang people, for example:

2 - For the native peoples of Brazil, the existence of fire and smoke was explained by many accounts. For the Taulipang people, for example:

Fire was hidden in the bowels of an elderly woman.
Fire was a deity stolen by men.
Fire was a manifestation of nature.
3 - For indigenous peoples, "domesticated fire" is:

3 - For indigenous peoples, "domesticated fire" is:

A fire kept indoors as a domestic tool for cooking, grilling and smoking food.
A fire granted by indigenous hunters.
A fire produced with elements from nature.
4 - The anthropogenic black earth is:

4 - The anthropogenic black earth is:

An indigenous land given by gods of that culture.
An infertile soil thanks to the cleaning process promoted by fire.
A soil enriched by the fire-promoted cleaning process, which is used to clear the forest for planting and hunting, the wood being converted into heat, smoke, ash and charcoal.
5 - In an indigenous house, fire is considered:

5 - In an indigenous house, fire is considered:

A threat to the existence and survival of those who reside there.
Only required for food preparation.
Essential for the livelihood of those who live there and why it is kept going day and night.
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