trabalho de inglês sobre o meio ambiente

trabalho de inglês sobre o meio ambiente

this game is about English work, about environment

Imagem de perfil user: Sophia Da paz
Sophia Da paz

What are CFCs and how do they affect the environment e?

Coal petroleum re gas
A factaries, power stations and moto
CFCs are gases that palutes the environment

What alternative forms of energy do you know?

None of the alternative
Coal, petroleum,re gas
Most of the energy

What is recycling

Help with pollution
Recycling is the processing of used object and materials so that they can be used again
Rainforest help to control

What does most of the energy we use today come from ?

Scientist say the temperature of the earth
Coal,oil,and gas
The burning releases

What is global warming

Factories power station and motor
The ozone layer is a layer of gas high above the surface of the earth that helps to protect it from the sun's ultraviolet radiation
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