UN Report about hunger

UN Report about hunger

Access the following link to understand the article and come back to answer a few questions: https://www.who.int/news/item/24-07-2024-hunger-numbers-stubbornly-high-for-three-consecutive-years-as-global-crises-deepen--un-report

Imagem de perfil user: Livia Barros
Livia Barros



What has happened to global hunger numbers over the past three years?

They remained stable and high
They decreased significantly
They have been steadily increasing
They decreased

Which crisis was mentioned as a contributing factor to the rise in global hunger?

Economic crises and conflicts
Environmental crisis
Climate change
COVID-19 pandemic

What estimate was given for the number of people affected by hunger globally in 2023?

400 million
730 million
500 million
1 billion

Which Sustainable Development Goal is highlighted as being challenging due to persistent hunger?

Zero Hunger
Eradicating poverty
Good health for all
Quality education for all

How does the report describe the trend of hunger over the past three years?

Stable at high levels
Significant decrease
Gradual decline
Steady increase
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