Use of English (QUIZ) 📚

Use of English (QUIZ) 📚

Hello! Ready for a new challenge? This quiz contains the following content: • Future Perfect • Future Continuous • Zero, first and Second Conditionals •Passive Voice and Reported Speech

Imagem de perfil user: Vitoria Sayuri
Vitoria Sayuri



She will have married on Friday.

Future Continuous
Future Perfect

When will we have left Japan?

Future Perfect
Future Continuous

I will be living in London

Future Continuous
Future Perfect

Will I be living in London?

Future Perfect
Future Continuous

Turn the next sentences into Passive Voice form: “Reporters write news report”

News reports was wrote by reporters
News reports are written by reports
News reports had been written by reporters

“Michael is baking a brownie”

A brownie is being baked by Michael
A brownie was baked by Michael
A brownie had been baked by Michael

A ____ é usada para falar sobre algo que acontece quando há uma condição específica e suas cláusulas estão no presente simples. A ____ é usada para falar de uma condição possível e de um resultado provável.

First Conditional - Zero Conditional
Zero Conditional - First Conditional

If you freeze water, it turns into rice.

Zero conditional
First conditional
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