Using Should and Must, Zero and First Conditional

Using Should and Must, Zero and First Conditional


Imagem de perfil user: guiordiom gamer10
guiordiom gamer10



Which sentence expresses advice?

You should eat more vegetables.
You must complete your assignment
You must not drive without a license.
You must finish your work.
You not should turn off the lights

Identify the sentence that indicates strong obligation:

You don’t must listen to your teacher
You should take a break.
You must arrive on time
You should check your answers
You should call y

Choose the correct sentence:

You must call your mother.
She must to finish her homework.
You not should go to the party
He must not to be late
They should studies harder.

Identify the sentence that uses the zero conditional incorrectly

If she will study, she passes the exam.
If it rains, the ground gets wet.
If you touch fire, it burns.
If you drop a glass, it breaks.
If I press this button, it turns on the light

Identify the first conditional sentence:

If I eat too much, I get sick.
If you don’t hurry, you will miss the bus
If she studies, she passes the exam.
If it rains, the flowers bloom.
If the sun sets, it gets dark.
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