Will or going to

Will or going to

Quiz created to test your knowledge!

Imagem de perfil user: ju



Choose the correct answer

She will visit her friend next week.
She going will visit her friend next week
She is going to visit her friend yesterday
She visit her friend is going to next week

Choose the correct answer

They will celebrate their anniversary at the beach
They celebrate their anniversary are going to at the beach
They will celebrated their anniversary at the beach
They are going to celebrate their anniversary at the beach

The sentence "I will cook dinner for my family tonight" is:


The sentence "I will cook dinner for my family tonight" written correctly is

I cooked dinner for my family tonight
I going will cook dinner for my family tonight
I will cook dinner for my family tonight.
I am going to cook dinner for my family tonight

Choose the correct sentence

Will you go to the party tonight?
Will you went to the party tonight?
Will you going to the party tonight?
Have you go to the party tonight?
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