Are you a teacher who uses many alternative concepts?
Hello teacher, you have been through most part of our course and now it's time to time to put what you've learned into practice. Take the quiz below about best decisions to make when teaching your students, in order to avoid alternative conceptions about studying the periodic table.
How would you explain the groups of the periodic table?
You would take them to the laboratory and show them different objects of our rotine that contain elements in their composition.
You would show photographs of where it is possible to find chemical elements on the table.
Create a periodic table model that contains small samples of the elements.
To help students to understand atomic mass, which is present in the periodic table data, the clearest way to teach it would be:
Shows the periodic table with values for each element.
Tips to help memorize the values of the most used elements.
Go to the lab, weigh the chemical elements, and perform calculations to arrive at the mass value.
Teach students how to calculate the value of atomic mass.
What would you do to help students understand the division of groups of chemical elements?
An activity would be carried out with family members and the students would organize groups according to their characteristics.
There would be an activity with a large periodic table and I would ask students to place the elements in the correct place.
Do you use songs or phrases to help you understand the order of the elements?
How to explain the chemical elements present on the table?
Show that the groups have similar characteristics, based on the Mendeleev principle.
You would talk about the octet rule