English 5 - Lesson 2

English 5 - Lesson 2

Review Questions

Imagem de perfil user: Luh Barros

Luh Barros



Are you a movie nut? Explain.

Yes, I am.
No, I am not.

Pretend Bob asks you if Sue was at your party last night.You were certain Sue was at the party because you saw Sue talking with lots of friends until after midnight. Using all right, emphasize you’re certain Sue was at the party last night and you saw Sue talking with lots of friends until after midnight.

Sue was at the party all right. And I saw her talking with lots of friends until after midnight.
Sue is all right.

Ask a student if he/she and his/her family went to any of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016.

Were you ... ?
Did you ...?

Sue tells you she is going to visit Miami on her next vacation. You think Sue visited Miami on her last vacation. How can you ask Sue to check if she really visited Miami on her last vacation?

Did you ...?
Didn't you ...?

Pretend Bob is very good at running for a short distance. Ask Bob if he would like to take part in a sprint.

Do you ...?
Would you ...?

Pretend you’re having lunch at Sue’s house. You want to tell her that the food is really delicious. Using You know, what can you say to Sue?

You know, the ...
You know what?

Pretend you and your friend are at a mall. You think there are vending machines in the mall, but you’re not sure. What can you ask your friend to confirm that?

Aren’t there ...?
Are there ...?

Do you like to tease people? Explain.

Yes, I do.
No, I don't.

Ask your friend if he/she sometimes likes to tease his/her brother/ sister.

Do you ...?
Are you ...?

Do you like to go to the movies alone? Why (not)?

Yes, I do.
No, I don't.

Pretend you’re reading something interesting and your brother is talking to you all the time. What can you say to your brother to stop disturbing you because you’re reading now?

Leave me ...
Stop ...

Pretend you’re talking with a friend on the phone and you’re upset with your brother because he wants you to help him out with a chore. Using can’t, ask your brother to give you a minute because you’re on the phone now.

Can't ...?
Can't ...?

Tell us one machine you think is essential to people’s lives and why.


Pretend you see your sister eating a hamburger. You think you saw her eating a hamburger an hour ago. How can you ask your sister to check if she really ate a hamburger an hour ago?

Did you ...?
Didn't you ...?

Bob tells you he is going to visit his grandparents today. You think Bob visited his grandparents yesterday. How can you ask Bob to check if he really visited his grandparents yesterday?

Didn't you ...?
Did you ...?

In your opinion, is it more difficult to set a record in the 100-meter sprint or in the 200-meter sprint? Explain.


If you could, what world record would you like to set?


You are at a barbecue, and they’re serving hot dogs. You see Sue isn’t eating. Check with Sue if she likes hot dogs.

Do you ...?
Don't you ...?

When we are at a supermarket, where do we generally put the things we are going to buy while we walk around the store?


Pretend you and your friend are at a departure lounge. You think there are vending machines in the departure lounge, but you’re not sure. Ask your friend to check if there are vending machines in this departure lounge.

Are there ...?
Aren't there ...?

What things do other people do to tease you?


Do you prefer to study with friends or to study alone? Explain.


What do you generally do when you’re alone at home?


You’re going to a party, and you’re upset with your sister because she doesn’t want to lend you her make-up. Using can’t, ask your sister to lend you her make-up.


- No, the men’s room is on the left.


- Yes, my brother has a stack of Spanish books.


- That’s Neymar all right.


- No, he set a record in the 200-meter sprint.


- Yes, Linda is the girl next to the vending machine.


- He won a silver and a bronze.


- How would I know? You’re the movie nut.

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