Which character from "Truth or Lie" are you?

Which character from "Truth or Lie" are you?

(THIS QUIZ IS A WIP) Truth or lie is a fictional story made by "Zirbecka" (me basically) and made this quiz for fun and Truth or lie fans! Have fun

Imagem de perfil user: Zirbecka Dames

Zirbecka Dames


After finding yourself on the Lying game and learning about it's rules of the lying machine and confessions, what are your plans?

Show that the machine in the game isn't perfect
Try to hide my crimes as much as possible
I don't care, i will just confess when it's my turn and see my fate
I don't have plans, i don't know what's going on

Acknowledge the fact that the people around you (and yourself) are bad people with their crimes/wrongdoings unknown, what would you do in the game?

I won't put too much thought into it, i will talk to any person that interests me!
I will interact, but be cautious and won't be too attached.
I would avoid and have minor interactions only.
Befriend them to make them better people
I would mostly talk with all of them to learn about them. What's going to be the impact on hearing their confession without knowing them as people?

If you happen to do some sort of crime/wrongdoing, what would it be?

I killed someone i loved.
I killed a stranger.
I robbed items/money/etc.
I committed SA/Sexual Assault.
I abused someone.
I was only made to believe i did something wrong though i didn't.
I can't remember.

After your confession what's your immediate reaction?

I would cry and sob.
Be angry that the machine somewhat managed to get the words out of my mouth.
I wouldn't know.
I would confess and let people decide my fate, i don't care about what happens.
I would confess but turns out what i confessed isn't the real story/i didn't commit anything wrong.
I would confess, however my case is very complicated.

Now going more into your tastes and interests, what's something you like

Ghosts and horror
None of the above/Something else.

What's something or someone important on your life?

My parent(s)
My sibling(s)
My pet(s)
My closest friend(s)
My partner/lover
I don't have something that is too important for me.../It's something else.

In a few words, how do you describe your personality?

Energetic and fun
Introverted and shy
Sweet but also mean
Curious and open minded
Cold and weird
Loud and arrogant
Calm and kind
Confused and clueless

Do you happen to lie? How much?

Yes i do, i always lie, even for small things.
Yes i do, however not all the time, only when it's needed.
Depends, sometimes not sometimes yeah.
Not really, i rarely lie.
No i don't, i hate lying and liars.
Lies can be important to show the truth

How do you feel about your supposed crime?

I feel terrible about what i've done, no idea what i was thinking.
I feel bad about it, but there was a reason.
I feel neutral.
It felt good to do so, even if i regret some parts about it.
It was good to do so.
I knew it was bad but i couldn't hesitate.
I don't care nor do i feel any sort of remorse of what i did.
What are your thoughts about the mastermind? (Nikita)

What are your thoughts about the mastermind? (Nikita)

Xe is cruel! I hate that menace!
Xe is interesting, but definitely up to no good.
Nothing much.
Xe is quite a cool fellow, i like the way xey think.
I like xem and wish to befriend and plans things with xem.
Who?? What??

After confession, what do you predict will be your fate?

I will be voted to be alive, i can become better.
I would be voted to be executed, no chances for me.
My votes would tie.
I don't know.
I killed myself before i could be voted, i can't be forgiven.
I don't care about it, either is good for me.

How's your self-esteem?

It's pretty high!
It's pretty low.
Kinda mixed in a strange way?

What is the reason you committed a felony?

It was for revenge.
I couldn't control myself.
I was forced to.
It was an accident!
It's complicated...

What was your reaction after committing your crime?

I felt proud!
I was happy with what i've done.
I don't feel anything.
My feelings are mixed.
I was confused, i only understood what happened later.

Do you believe people deserve second chances?

Yes! No matter what.
Yes, but it depends.
No not at all!!
I don't know-

What happens to be your favorite color?

None of the above/Something else (actually why does this matter?)

What's a type of person you cannot stand?

Whiny people.
Judgemental people.
Mean and angry people.
Impatient people.
Dramatic people.

Do you like to play things fair?

Always! Following the rules is my top priority.
Yes, not all the time however.
Not really but i have my limits.
No at all! I hate rules.
I tend to, but sometimes i need to break rules.

Would you frame your wrongdoing to someone else?

Yes. I don't want people to know it was me
No! I will admit it was me.
I'm unsure.
I would hide it at all costs, but not frame someone else regardless.
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