Acerte a música dos Beatles com uma frase 🎸 (parte 2)

Acerte a música dos Beatles com uma frase 🎸 (parte 2)

Acerte a música dos beasouros com um trecho 😺 🎸🎻🎷🪕🥁🎶 ~parte 2~

Imagem de perfil user: Night Shadow
Night Shadow



"I give her all my love That's all I do And if you saw my love You'd love her too"

You Won't See Me
All My Loving
And I Love Her

"Happy ever after in the market place Desmond lets the children lend a hand Molly stays at home and does her pretty face And in the evening, she still sings it with the band"

Eleanor Rigby
Hey Bulldog
Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

"Little darling, the smile's returning to their faces Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here"

Here Comes The Sun
All You Need Is Love

"Nobody ever loved me like she does Oh she does, Yes she does And if somebody loved me like she do Oh she do me, Yes she does"

Don't Let Me Down
Come Together
I Saw Her Standing There

"The wild and windy night That the rain washed away Has left a pool of tears Crying for the day Why leave me standing here? Let me know the way"

I Me Mine
Dig A Pony
The Long And Winding Road

"Someone to love Somebody new Someone to love Someone like you"

Love Me Do
All My Loving
Somebody To Love

"Close your eyes and I'll kiss you Tomorrow I'll miss you"

You Won't See Me
Drive My Car
All My Loving

"Ooh I need your love babe, Guess you know it's true. Hope you need my love babe, Just like I need you."

Eight Days A Week
Ticket To Ride
I've Just Seen A Face

"There were bells on a hill But I never heard them ringing No, I never heard them at all"

Till There Was You
All I've Got To Do
You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

"Doesn't have a point of view Knows not where he's going to Isn't he a bit like you and me"

Norwegian Wood
Run For Your Life
Nowhere Man

"I want you, I want you, I want you I think you know by now I'll get to you somehow Until I do, I'm telling you so you'll understand"

Doctor Robert

"Wednesday morning at five o'clock As the day begins Silently closing her bedroom door Leaving the note that she hoped would say more"

She's Leaving Home
She Loves You
She Came In Through The Bathroom Window

"Joan was quizzical Studied pataphysical science in the home Late nights all alone with a test tube Oh, oh, oh, oh"

Maxwell's Silver Hammer
I Want You (She's So Heavy)
Carry That Weight

"I was alone, I took a ride I didn't know what I would find there Another road where maybe I Could see another kind of mind there"

Got to Get You Into My Life
Here, There and Everywhere

"Ah, look at all the lonely people"

Eleanor Rigby
Penny Lane
Blue Jay Way

"I'd like to be Under the sea"

Octopus's Garden
Yellow Submarine
Fixing a Hole

"I used to get mad at my school (no, I can't complain) The teachers who taught me weren't cool (no, I can't complain) You're holding me down (ah-ah) Turning me 'round (oh-oh) Filling me up with your rules"

Baby You're a Rich Man
Tomorrow Never Knows
Getting Better

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night Take these broken wings and learn to fly All your life You were only waiting for this moment to arise"

Free As a Bird
And Your Bird Can Sing
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