Descubra de que música dos beatles é o trecho da letra.

Descubra de que música dos beatles é o trecho da letra.

Descubra se você é realmente um fã dos Beatles!

Imagem de perfil user: Gabriel Silva Segú
Gabriel Silva Segú


Well I'd rather see you dead, little girl,
Than to be with another man

Well I'd rather see you dead, little girl, Than to be with another man

Run For Your Life
I'll Cry Instead
Savoy Truffle
Here Comes the Sun
When I'm walking beside her,
People tell me I'm lucky.

When I'm walking beside her, People tell me I'm lucky.

Every Little Thing
Good Night
Please Please Me
I listen for your footsteps,
Coming up the drive

I listen for your footsteps, Coming up the drive

Two Of Us
Getting Better
Don't Pass Me By
How does it feel to be,
One of the beautiful people?

How does it feel to be, One of the beautiful people?

A Day In The Life
Glass Onion
I Feel Fine
Baby You're a Rich Man
Don't you know I can't take it,
I don't know who can

Don't you know I can't take it, I don't know who can

I Call Your Name
She Loves You
Strawberry Fields Forever
Get Back
I want a love that's right,
But right is only half of what's wrong

I want a love that's right, But right is only half of what's wrong

Old Brown Shoe
Ticket To Ride
Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey
Love Me Do
Because you're sweet and lovely girl I love you,
Because you're sweet and lovely girl it's true

Because you're sweet and lovely girl I love you, Because you're sweet and lovely girl it's true

All You Need Is Love
Tomorrow Never Knows
For You Blue
Ah, ah, you've been good to me,
You made me glad when I was blue

Ah, ah, you've been good to me, You made me glad when I was blue

Let It Be
Thank You Girl
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