Trechos de músicas dos Beatles

Trechos de músicas dos Beatles

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Imagem de perfil user: Moises Cavalheiro
Moises Cavalheiro
Jai... Guru... Deva... Om

Jai... Guru... Deva... Om

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
I'm Only Sleeping
Across The Universe
Within You Without You
Didn't anybody tell her... Didn't anybody see...

Didn't anybody tell her... Didn't anybody see...

She Came In Through The Bathroom Window
Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey
Come Together
Get Back
The girl that's  driving me mad is going away

The girl that's driving me mad is going away

Drive My Car
Every Little Thing
I Want To Hold Your Hand
Ticket To Ride
In my mind there's no sorrow, don't you know that it's so

In my mind there's no sorrow, don't you know that it's so

There's A Place
Run For Your Life
I'm A Loser
She Loves You
In the town where i was born, lived a man who sailed to sea...

In the town where i was born, lived a man who sailed to sea...

Yellow Submarine
All Together Now
Maxwell's Silver Hammer
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody

Making all his nowhere plans for nobody

Don't Pass Me By
Nowhere Man
I Am The Walrus
I once had a girl, or should i say she once had me

I once had a girl, or should i say she once had me

She Said She Said
When I'm Sixty Four
Blue Jay Way
Norwegian Wood
Well, well, well, you're feeling fine

Well, well, well, you're feeling fine

Doctor Robert
Getting Better
The Word
For You Blue
Maybe... You become naked...

Maybe... You become naked...

DIg A Pony
Revolution 9
I'm So Tired
Run For Your Life
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