Healthy or unhealthy food

Healthy or unhealthy food

Is it healthy or not?

Imagem de perfil user: Isabela Luiza
Isabela Luiza


What care should be taken with sugars?

What care should be taken with sugars?

Avoid them as much as possible
You can always eat them
Is mealtime important or should we eat when we are hungry?

Is mealtime important or should we eat when we are hungry?

The ideal is to eat only when you are hungry
The ideal is to create a routine, and to have meals with the most correct times when possible
Does stripping fruit's edible skins decrease their nutritional value?

Does stripping fruit's edible skins decrease their nutritional value?

The peels should not be consumed, as they have no nutritional value
It is yes. Homes are rich in nutrients and, among them, fibers are worth mentioning
Should I avoid eating carbohydrates?

Should I avoid eating carbohydrates?

Not. But let's make sure you're choosing the right types of carbs
No, we can eat any type of carbohydrate without conscience
How should calories be counted in meals?

How should calories be counted in meals?

Avoid healthy foods and eat more fatty foods
Avoiding fatty foods and focusing more on healthy things
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