Proverbs & Idiomatic Expressions 9ºB

Proverbs & Idiomatic Expressions 9ºB

Carolina Elias nº 4 Margarida Cervini nº 29 Ana Beatriz Pereira nº 30

"One swallow doesn't make a summer"

"One swallow doesn't make a summer"

None of them
Idiomatic expression
Which one is a proverb?

Which one is a proverb?

"I saw a turkey on christmas"
"That really gets my goat"
"A fine cage won't feed the bird"
What does "Leopard doesn't change it's spots" mean?

What does "Leopard doesn't change it's spots" mean?

Leopards are fast
People don't change
Changing is good
Which one is an idiomatic expression?

Which one is an idiomatic expression?

All of them
"A farm is not a farm without animals"
"Straight from the horse's mouth"
None of them
What does "The last straw broke the camel's back" mean?

What does "The last straw broke the camel's back" mean?

The glass overflowed to the limit because the camel ate too much straw
The water made the camel choke
The last issue made the situation reach the limit
The last drop of water made the situation bad
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