Do you what is Food Idioms?

Do you what is Food Idioms?

Food Idioms for English Class

Imagem de perfil user: Santiago Novais
Santiago Novais


What does the expression "It's a piece of cake" mean?

What does the expression "It's a piece of cake" mean?

It's very easy
It's impossible
If someone is "spilling the beans," what are they doing?

If someone is "spilling the beans," what are they doing?

Revealing a secret
What does "to have a lot on your plate" mean?

What does "to have a lot on your plate" mean?

To have many problems
To be busy
What does the expression "the apple of someone's eye" mean?

What does the expression "the apple of someone's eye" mean?

Someone's favorite person or thing
A painful memory
What does "cool as a cucumber" mean?

What does "cool as a cucumber" mean?

Very calm
Very stubborn
What does "cry over spilled milk" mean?

What does "cry over spilled milk" mean?

To regret something unimportant
To feel guilty
If someone is "buttering someone up," what are they doing?

If someone is "buttering someone up," what are they doing?

Flattering someone
Arguing with someone
What does the expression "full of beans" mean?

What does the expression "full of beans" mean?

Full of energy
In trouble
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