slang and expressions used in the English language

slang and expressions used in the English language

instruction: relate the slang to the correct meaning in Portuguese

Imagem de perfil user: Bruna Martins Santos

I’ve got to give PROPS to Roger for the way he handled that situation.

elogiar, encher a bola de alguém
xingar, descontar, brigar

I love this party, it’s just UNREAL.

maravilhoso, surpreendente
ruim, péssimo, horrível

Stop DISSing her behing her back.

Respeitar, elogiar
faltar com o respeito, desacatar.

I really DIG heavy rock.

curtir, desfrutar de alguma coisa.
Desagradável, incomodo.

KUDUS to everyone who put the event together.

parabéns, aplausos, palmas, tirar o chapéu.
xingamentos, negatividade
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