Tente acertar a música da Melanie Martinez pelo trecho

Tente acertar a música da Melanie Martinez pelo trecho

Versão agora de Portals! já fiz um com as outras musicas dela, vão lá conferir se quiserem! <3

Imagem de perfil user: Vampbaby


"They're saying my name in their prayers again
I flicker the lights so they understand
I won't say goodbye, I'm right by your side"

"They're saying my name in their prayers again I flicker the lights so they understand I won't say goodbye, I'm right by your side"

light shower
"I'm hiding myself from the enemy
I wish to not be perceived
Didn't ask for this dangerous visibility
I'm afraid I'm too scared to sleep"

"I'm hiding myself from the enemy I wish to not be perceived Didn't ask for this dangerous visibility I'm afraid I'm too scared to sleep"

Spider web
Moon cycle
"And I know it's a cry for help, go help yourself
I opened a million doors, you never go
It's past point of no return, when will we learn? 
Alert me when this shit is over"

"And I know it's a cry for help, go help yourself I opened a million doors, you never go It's past point of no return, when will we learn? Alert me when this shit is over"

Moon cycle
Tunnel vision
"Engraved in our memory, the harm that was done
Our mothers, the witches they banished and burned
All of our sisters were killed and abused
By sword-swinging men who would always accuse"

"Engraved in our memory, the harm that was done Our mothers, the witches they banished and burned All of our sisters were killed and abused By sword-swinging men who would always accuse"

Moon cycle
Faerie soirée
Milk of the sirens
"They always hustle for the pussy so they'll never get it
I make them tumble down the hill they climbed, I don't regret it
I saw that trick fall out your sleeve and I'm so certain
You hum a tune I don't believe and it ain't workin''

"They always hustle for the pussy so they'll never get it I make them tumble down the hill they climbed, I don't regret it I saw that trick fall out your sleeve and I'm so certain You hum a tune I don't believe and it ain't workin''

Milk of the sirens
Tunnel Vision
"You're in the spell and it worked
And I'm returning the hurt
I'm kicking your ass out
Flutter my wings while I pout
Push your penis into your mouth
I'll make you choke on your doubt
Cut you off, watch you die
Just a fairy with a knife"

"You're in the spell and it worked And I'm returning the hurt I'm kicking your ass out Flutter my wings while I pout Push your penis into your mouth I'll make you choke on your doubt Cut you off, watch you die Just a fairy with a knife"

The contortionist
Moon cycle
"Skin ready for my heavy daily cream
I keep it handy, womb shedding
Any lessons, making room for blessings
Juice melting like raspberry, pomegranate
It's so scary how my aura got him howling at my ***, baby"

"Skin ready for my heavy daily cream I keep it handy, womb shedding Any lessons, making room for blessings Juice melting like raspberry, pomegranate It's so scary how my aura got him howling at my ***, baby"

battle of the larynx
Moon cycle
the contortionist
Spider web
"Pipe down with the noise, I cannot bear my sorrow
I hate who I was before
I fear I won't live to see the day tomorrow
Someone tell me if this is Hell"

"Pipe down with the noise, I cannot bear my sorrow I hate who I was before I fear I won't live to see the day tomorrow Someone tell me if this is Hell"

battle of the larynx
"Twisted all my limbs for you
Two of them in knots and two of them in loops
Ribbons tied around like a noose
Wonder if I'll ever get it loose
I don't wanna bruise for you
Holding back my words until my face is blue (huh)
I don't really care about your crew
You can tell 'em what you wanna do"

"Twisted all my limbs for you Two of them in knots and two of them in loops Ribbons tied around like a noose Wonder if I'll ever get it loose I don't wanna bruise for you Holding back my words until my face is blue (huh) I don't really care about your crew You can tell 'em what you wanna do"

the contortionist
spider web
"No, I never knew what it meant
What it meant to be content with you
Everything I expressed, I professed
It never quite made it through
Said it's all in my head, all in my head
Whenever I spoke my truth
No, I won't defend you to all my friends
This time, I refuse"

"No, I never knew what it meant What it meant to be content with you Everything I expressed, I professed It never quite made it through Said it's all in my head, all in my head Whenever I spoke my truth No, I won't defend you to all my friends This time, I refuse"

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