Am I Patient Quiz

Am I Patient Quiz

Patience is the quality of being able to tolerate delay, provocation, annoyance or pain without complaint.

Imagem de perfil user: Adam Madani

Adam Madani


When waiting for important results, do you...

When waiting for important results, do you...

Wait for a long as it takes !
you are curious and constantly check your phone/computer/email
Do you stop and help people even if you're late?

Do you stop and help people even if you're late?

Why shouldn't I?
Never, I can't do it
How long would you be willing to wait for a free pizza?

How long would you be willing to wait for a free pizza?

I will not wait
Half an hour
As long as it takes
How long are you willing to wait for your friend before going to the movies?

How long are you willing to wait for your friend before going to the movies?

None! I will not wait
15min max
I am okay with missing the movie
A friend talks to you on the phone about his problems.

A friend talks to you on the phone about his problems.

End the call and turn off your phone.
Give him some advice, then find a solution.
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