Are you a patient person?

Are you a patient person?

Find out by taking this quiz!

Imagem de perfil user: Jenny Huynh

Jenny Huynh



You're in McDonalds and it's been thirty minutes since you've ordered your 20 piece chicken nuggets. Do you...

Stand there and wait until they call your number.
Complain to the workers about it.
Wait for about five minutes and then ask the workers.

You're playing a game that you're very good at, but your friend is having a problem beating it. Do you...

Help them beat it.
Wait until they beat it.
Watch them beat it while giving them tips.

You're considering buying a book online, but it's going to take a long time for it to arrive. Do you...

Buy it anyway and wait.
Don't buy it and try to find the book in a store.
Ask a friend that will receive the book faster to buy it for you.

Your friend's cat really dislikes you for some reason. What do you do to get the cat's affection?

Give up.
Buy some treats for it.
Try to hang out with the cat as much as you can.

You just finished work and you're walking towards a bus station. Suddenly, you saw the bus go past you and it started to rain. What do you do?

Wait for another bus.
Walk home in the cold rain.
Ask your friend to pick you up.
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