Patience Quiz (⊙o⊙)

Patience Quiz (⊙o⊙)

Find out how patient you are by taking this quiz.

Imagem de perfil user: Madet Ly

Madet Ly


Are you one to rush a project or an essay?

Are you one to rush a project or an essay?

Yes, I've got no time to waste.
No, slow and steady wins the race.
Depends on my mood...
You're waiting in line for a water slide:

You're waiting in line for a water slide:

You wait in line
Complain about it
Be sneaky and skip the line

Ordering an amazon package....

You buy the fastest shipping, It's expensive.
You get free shipping, takes way too long but saves money.
Go to the post office to get it yourself, really quick.

It's raining, you forgot your umbrella.

Walk home in the rain.
Ask your parents to pick you up.
Wait for a friend to give you an umbrella.

Your birthday is in 1 month, and you want something expensive.

Get an early birthday present.
Wait of course.
You wait for a bit, but you eventually back down and cave in to buying it early.
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