The quiz about patience

The quiz about patience

Are you patient? AnQuizswer the questions in this quiz to know!

Imagem de perfil user: Fistard



When a video is loading do you...

When a video is loading do you...

Wait until it is done loading (40 pts)
Get mad and start hitting your computer (10 pts)
Leave the website and watch your video somewhere else (30 pts)
Shut off your computer and do something else (20 pts)
When you order a package on amazon you...

When you order a package on amazon you...

Wait for it to come and dont think about it (40 pts)
Constantly check your phone to see when the package arrives (20 pts)
Check your phone a few times but not sweat it too much (30 pts)
Get angry that the package is not at your house yet (10 pts)
When you cant fall asleep you...

When you cant fall asleep you...

Casually wait in bed until you doze off (40 pts)
Keep turning and moving your pillow (30 pts)
Get out of bed and do something else (10 pts)
Use your phone until you fall asleep (20 pts)
How long are you willing to wait for your friend before doing an activity?

How long are you willing to wait for your friend before doing an activity?

As long as it takes (40 pts)
Zero seconds (10 pts)
10 minutes (20 pts)
30 minutes (30 pts)
When someone is ticking you off the first thing you do is...

When someone is ticking you off the first thing you do is...

Stay calm and wait for them to zip it (40 pts)
Get physical (10 pts)
Tell them to stop (40 pts)
Insult them (10 pts)
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