What's your patience level?

What's your patience level?

Through out this quiz you'll be asked several questions about some type of situations that might happen to you and at the end we'll see if you're patient or not.

Imagem de perfil user: Sylvina Desilus



You want to go out with your friends but you have to take care of your younger siblings

Bring them with you
Schedule it for another time
Leave them with anyone close to you

Your mother said that she would buy you new shoes but instead she bought new ones for your siblings

Cry out to her till she buys you them
Wait till she buys you them
Save up money to buy them for yourself

You catch your boyfriend of 2 years cheating on you with your bestfriend since diapers

Start screaming at them
Be calm about it and be mature
Don't forgive your bestfriend
Forgive your bestfriend as guys aren't worth it

You want the newest phone as all of your friends have it,but your parents don't want to buy it since you don't have good grades

Scream at them
Start studying to get good grades
Steal one of your friend's phone
Make them feel bad by crying

You made a new account on instagram but you still haven't reached 100 followers yet all your friends have 1000-2000

Tell your friends to tell their followers to follow you
Post many pictures and videos
Follow a lot of people then unfollow them
Use many hashtags
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