The role of patience in life .

The role of patience in life .

The patience is the attitude we have or should have when faced with different problems.

Imagem de perfil user: Riviolina Désir


When you read a book what do you do to know the end ?

When you read a book what do you do to know the end ?

You go to the last page to know the end.
You keep readind to know the end.
You ask someone who has already read all the information about the end.
When the food is in the micro-wave what are you doing ?

When the food is in the micro-wave what are you doing ?

Wait for the timer to expire.
You stop it when you know the food is reheated.
You open the microwave from time to time to see if the food is hot enough to eat.
How do you react when the queue is very long ?

How do you react when the queue is very long ?

You wait patiently.
You stomp your feet while yelling at the people in front of you to move on.
You walk past everyone saying you were there before.
What do you do when an application you use daily bugs ?

What do you do when an application you use daily bugs ?

You take the time to restart your phone.
You tap your fingers on the screen to make it work .
You are ready to throw your phone on the wall.
You take the time to uninstall the app and then reinstall it to see if it works.
What are you doing if you get into a traffic jam ?

What are you doing if you get into a traffic jam ?

You try to get out of it as fast as possible.
You wait for the traffic jams to decrease.
You honk the other cars for them to try to get away so you can drive away.
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