Are you ethical?

Are you ethical?

With this test you can find out if you are ethical or not.

Imagem de perfil user: Lucas Silva de Jesus


Yesterday you were absent from work, because you went to the movies. The next day your boss asked you, "Why were you absent?". What do you say?

Yesterday you were absent from work, because you went to the movies. The next day your boss asked you, "Why were you absent?". What do you say?

You tell a lie to get rid of the problems
You tell the truth compromising your image, but being sorry.
The competitor CEO offers you a lot of money to pass confidential information from your company. What do you do?

The competitor CEO offers you a lot of money to pass confidential information from your company. What do you do?

Accept the money offered.
You accept only if the CEO gives you more money.
You don't accept and report to the police.
Your boss traveled on business. After this, you find out he traveled with his family and didn't work. What do you do?

Your boss traveled on business. After this, you find out he traveled with his family and didn't work. What do you do?

I tell the supervisor, and ask him to fire my boss and give me his job.
I don't do anything.
I just tell the supervisor.
You are the supervisor of the company and your friend who is an employee made a bad report. What do you do?

You are the supervisor of the company and your friend who is an employee made a bad report. What do you do?

You punish him.
You give a feedback to him, explaining how to improve and the positive points.
You lie saying that the report is good, because you are his friend.
In your opinion, can you balance your professional life and your personal life?

In your opinion, can you balance your professional life and your personal life?

I don't know
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