Are you ethical?

Are you ethical?

We are going to give you five questions, choose the best answer for you.

Imagem de perfil user: Karina Souza

Karina Souza


You have a best friend, and she has a boyfriend, in a day you see her boyfriend kissing another girl, what do you do?

You have a best friend, and she has a boyfriend, in a day you see her boyfriend kissing another girl, what do you do?

Tell to her.
Kiss her boyfriend too.
Don't do anything, only be quiet.
You're in the lunch with your friend and you go out of queue to go to the bathroom. Your friend is still in queue. Do you think it's wrong to come back to your place?

You're in the lunch with your friend and you go out of queue to go to the bathroom. Your friend is still in queue. Do you think it's wrong to come back to your place?

Yes, I think this is wrong!
No, it was my place!
When you make a decision, you think first:

When you make a decision, you think first:

I don't think, I choose by emotion.
I think: "What is going to happen with the people around me?"
"Is that right?"
Which that options is most important (for you) to be an ethical leader?

Which that options is most important (for you) to be an ethical leader?

Power (Hierarchically)
You can affiliate Bussiness ethics and personal ethics?

You can affiliate Bussiness ethics and personal ethics?

Yes, because when I have a good personal ethics, this affect my business life.
No, I can't do this.
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