Are you an ethical person?

Are you an ethical person?

Do this test to see if you are an ethical person.

Imagem de perfil user: Emilly Catharina


your friend of work, receive a promotion but you don't. What is your reaction ?

your friend of work, receive a promotion but you don't. What is your reaction ?

a) I will be happy for him.
b) I will stop talking with him.
c) I will complain with my boss.
d) I will hit in my friend.
e) I will go out the company.
If you are doing a project with your co-worker, and in the end of the project your boss give all the merit to you, but you did nothing. What do you do ?

If you are doing a project with your co-worker, and in the end of the project your boss give all the merit to you, but you did nothing. What do you do ?

a) You tell for your boss what really happened.
b) You lie.
c) You hide your friend that you take all credit that should be from him.
You and your co-worker are doing a project together, but your friend has an accident, and he can’t finish the project. What do you do?

You and your co-worker are doing a project together, but your friend has an accident, and he can’t finish the project. What do you do?

a) You don't put his name in the project.
b) You put his name in the project, because he helped to do.
c) You talk with your boss to dismiss him.
You are the manager of one Swift’s store, and you see that a costumer take down a Money. What do you do?

You are the manager of one Swift’s store, and you see that a costumer take down a Money. What do you do?

a) Pick up the Money, but don’t say to the costumer.
b) Pick up the Money, and give to the costumer.
If you see a person doing gossip to hurt someone to benefit yourself and you know the truth. What you do?

If you see a person doing gossip to hurt someone to benefit yourself and you know the truth. What you do?

a) You say the truth to your colleague and your boss.
b) You simulate don’t know nothing.
c) You don’t do nothing because it isn’t your problem.
Assuming you break the company computer what do you do?

Assuming you break the company computer what do you do?

a) Pretend you didn’t happen.
b) You talk what happend.
c) Put blame on a person.
You realize that your co-worker is experiencing psychological problems. What do you do?

You realize that your co-worker is experiencing psychological problems. What do you do?

a) Don't talk to him not to get worse the situation.
b) Talk to him to try to help him with his problem.
c) Ignore the situation.
A cash draw was made in your company. You get, but you see that you get more money than the correct. What do you do?

A cash draw was made in your company. You get, but you see that you get more money than the correct. What do you do?

a) You do not tell anyone and save the money.
b) Tell the truth and gives it back.
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