
Is it ethical to use information from a co-worker as if it were yours?
A colleague did not do the lesson and offered him 5 dollars for pass the answer to him. Do you accept?
Yes, I will helping him;
No, because he should have to made like all the other students;
No, because this is not ethical, it is bribe.
A company has the rule of not leaving during office hours, but, at the time of your lunch, you instead of eating the food from the cafeteria, you want to eat fast food. You:
Eat what you want;
You respects the company rule and eats in the cafeteria, waiting for the opportunity to eat at fast food;
It simply does not eat out of anger of the company rule.
Let's say you're in a company, working with your colleague, both trying to reach a goal. It would be ethical:
You help him and yourself;
You think of your own success;
Just help him get in the spotlight.
You are a Swift store manager, and there are two employees, one man and one woman, who work in the same area, so you have to set their wages. You then:
Leave a standard salary for both;
It leaves the man with a higher salary for demanding more strength;
You leaves the woman with a higher salary, for she is a woman and suffers greatly.