The Sorting Hat

The Sorting Hat

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me."

Imagem de perfil user: Cléverson Yakuza

Choose one adjective:


You've been walking for a long, long time in a remote and quiet trail inside of a huge forest. You are getting hungry and the night is about to start. You...

... choose a good place to go through the night and set up a fire pit to stay safe of the night animals, then (before get dark) you go walking around trying to find any source of food.
... take some herbs and little flowers and with your wand make 2 or 3 wobble to transfigure them into some kind of eatable thing. Then you wobble your wand again and with some earth, leaves and branches make a small tent to sleep.
... don't stop. Your tiredness or hungry can't fade you, you need to keep going until you get reach your destiny.
... start getting upset, whithout help you'll probably fall down. But in such remote place how could you get help? Anyway, you go for it, because to find any suport could save you.

On your birthday...

... you like to hang out with your friends, doesn't matter to where, the important thing is to be with who you love.
... you like to travel and know new places, food and people. It's your day and you need to get all those thing you like to.
... you like to go to a new place, a place you didn't know ever. And then you go to discover the surroundings, learn new things and came back home with a large new knowledge.
... you really like to overflow with the ones you matey. To drink, to dance, to talk, to sing ... It's always wonderful overflow with your dudes.

You are insulted by a classmate, how do you react?

You retaliate it as stronger as he does untill you win the "blame war".
You don't say anithing at time 'cause the real revenge is patient and when the time comes that person will receive what it deserves.
You do nothing but look to that human kind disapproving his behavior.
You just ignore it and follow your life.

Which colour do you prefer?


What is most important to you when you have to make a decision?

You need to be fair to everybody, including you.
Your choice will be made based on how much success you can get.
You are terrible making decisions, so you always think that a little help is nice.
Making the noblest and most sensible choice.

Which of these best discribes you?

Always prepared, never tired to keep fighting.
Independent, first of all you can only count on yourself.
Wise enough to handdle with everything.
Necessity of honesty with everything and everybody.

Choose a hobby:

Play sports.
To talk to others.
To cook.
To read.

What upsets you?

A talkative person who don't even know what he is saying.
Disloyalty and betrayal.
Being unable to handle with a situation.
Empty people with empty actions.

You and your best friend got into trouble. If your parents realize what you did you'll get double problems...

You'll work hard to find out how to leave safe of this whole situation. (even if just you)
Maybe you can take the blame to safe your friend.
If you both got in this problem together you'll also get out of it together.
You try to convince your friend to take the blame and promises to own him one.

Choose one element:


You are given a small plastic puzzle that looks to be difficult to solve:

I have better things to do than play with toys.
I'll put some time into it. I'm sure I could solve it eventually.
I'll try it out, but if I can't solve it, it's not the end of the world.
I won't give up until I solve it. Then, maybe I'll try it blindfolded!

How do you see the future?

Boring. The world is going to be drab, and people are going to be sad.
Better. 'Cause we'll learn with our mistakes, and make the planet a better place.
Challenging, with many new discoveries.
Scarce of everything, poor of kindess and full of poeple fighting for the few resources on earth.
You don't look to the future, you prefer to live the present.

If you are mistreated on a store, how do you react?

That semployee is going to be fired, and you'll make sure this happens.
You treat him/her exactly with the opposite, you make him/her realise you are not looking for trouble.
Just simply move out of the store, you have no time to spend with those people.

You've got a crush, but you don't know how to interact with him/her yet. What do you do?

You act to get his/her atenttion, after being noticed it will more easier to approach.
You go there and go straight to the point, you have no time to loose.
You make a perfect plan to put you both together alone, then you can have a good time to talk with him/her.
You'll never get to the point, you'll never realise how could you can get his/her attention or anything else more.
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