A ressocialização dos detentos.

A ressocialização dos detentos.

Perguntas sobre a Ressocialização dos detentos na nossa sociedade.

Imagem de perfil user: Emilly Mayara

Emilly Mayara


O que dificulta a ressocialização dos presos?

The excess of basic resources that help prisoners live in society.
Lack of Inclusion for prisoners looking for jobs.
an egalitarian and prejudice-free society

Qual é o objetivo principal da ressocialização dos detentos?

not providing the necessary support they need
Not allowing prisoners to return to society.
give the individual a new chance to Achieve well-being in society, without practicing discrimination.

Como é feita a ressocialização desses indivíduos?

Increase prison sentences so they learn not to break the law.
Privatizing your freedom.
Re-educate people deprived of liberty to adapt to the conditions and laws of society..

Por que a ressocialização é Importante?

Assists and enables the achievement of central rehabilitation objectives that focus on social rescue.
So that prisoners are not treated as part of society.
So that the interaction and inclusion of prisoners in society does not occur.


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