Does social media affect your body motivation and self-esteem?
Is your relationship with the internet healthy?
Do you often focus on your flaws and belittle your qualities?
Yes, because my defects are more noticeable.
No, in my opinion I should focus more on my qualities.
Do you appreciate your body more than you appreciate photos of other bodies posted on social media?
Yes, because my body is more important to me.
No, because my features seem inferior to those posted on the internet.
Are you critical of your appearance or do you allow flexibility about it?
I'm a somewhat critical person, who seeks to fit the beauty standards of social media.
I'm a flexible person when it comes to looks, because I don't think we should try to fit into beauty standards.
Do you think the opinions of people found on social media are more important than yours?
No, because my opinion must prevail in my mind and I must be concerned only with pleasing myself.
Yes, because who will judge my appearance will be the public, so I must base myself on their opinions and standards.
Even with the pressure exerted by social media in search of body perfection, do you think you take good care of your mental and body health?
Yes, because I try not to submit myself to activities that negatively affect my psychological and physical performance.
No, because I sometimes do activities that affect my physical and mental health.