Are you really taking enough care of your health?
Recentily, healthy mind and healthy body are topics that have been very discussed , but do you really take enough care about yourself? Daily actions, very simple and common decisions, can make a very difference when the topic is body and mental health. Play the game and discover if you’re making the best decisions to your mind and body.
You have an important test tomorrow and you realize that you are so anxious that no matter how you try you can be focused, so you decide to:
Keep studying, once that you don't feel prepared for the test.
Relax and take a time for yourself, once that keep studying and don’t study will bring the same result.
You wanna lose weight, so you decide to:
Start a healthy diet.
Start eating very less than you usually do or even don’t eat for a long time.
You have to do a project that you don’t like, so you decide to:
Don’t do, once that you don’t like the idea.
Do the project, once that you know your responsibility and maybe in the middle of the process you can end up liking it.
If you’re not on a good day and someone is kind with you, you decide to:
Be kind with the person too.
Don’t treat the person with kindness.
If someone says that you need to relax, you decide to:
Accept the advice.
You need to deal with a loss and you’re feeling so sad, so you decide to:
Look for help.
Don’t do anything, once that time will fix it.
You just realized that you’ve been a very sedentary person, so you decide to:
Start to exercise regularly.
Don’t do anything because you think that your life is so good on this way.
Has sometime that you can’t have the necessary 8 hours of sleeping, so you decide to:
Don’t do anything because you think that this will be fixed with the time.
Limit your screen time, once that you noticed that you’re spending so much time online while you should be sleeping.
You’ve been feeling that you need to talk to anyone about some problems that are happening in your life, so you decide to:
Don’t talk to anyone because they have their own problems.
Look for a friend, a relative, a psychologist, or even start a journal.
You’re feeling so overwhelmed these days, so you decide to:
Keep your life in this way.
Start to practice mindfulness, take time for self-care, look for a balance and keep a schedule.