Could you be the next Steve Jobs?

Could you be the next Steve Jobs?

Having a company and facing everyday chalenges, how would you act? Do you have what it takes to be like Steve Jobs?

Imagem de perfil user: Francisca Roldão



How would you launch a new product?

Create a marketing campaign, emphasizing the product´s unique feautures
Gather feedback from early employees and launch the product based on their input
Let the marketing department handle the lauching

Imagine you have a company and you face declining sales and market share, what would you do to solve this setback?

Conduct market research to understand costumer needs and preferences
Innovate existing products or develop new ones based on research findings
Enhace marketing and branding efforts to create a stronger market presence
Consider strategic partnerships or acquisitions to expand the product line or enter new markets

Now there is negative publicity going around about this new products, how would you react?

Address costumers and talk them into accepting that there is no problem
Hide this information from the workers in order to prevent a chaotic environment
Engange with the employees, find the problem and find a solution as a team
Be decisive, implement strict measures to prevent similar problems in the future

Now there is some internal team conflict how do you stop this?

Provide leadership training for team members and managers
Reorganize teams to minimize conflicts, changigng team compositions and roles
Direct and assertive communication, get the team on track asap, facilitate discussions and resolve the conflicts
Implement regular team meetings, feedback sessions to clear communication

How would you react during a technological disruption?

Form partnerships with tech companies/startups that specialize in the disruptive tech
Invest in research and development to adapt existing products to incorporate new technologies, stay ahead by embracing emerging technologies
Explore new markets that are not directly affected by this disruption, diversify your business to minimize the risks
Provide training programs for employees to acquire skills related to emerging technologies
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