


Imagem de perfil user: fundamentos



EASA Mass and Balance legislation can be found in:

EU-OPS 1 subpart K
EU-OPS 1 subpart D
EU-OPS 1 subpart A
EU-OPS 1 subpart J

The mass and centre of gravity of an aircraft must be established by actual weighing:

by the owner operator before the first flight of the day
by the engineers before commencing service
by the pilot on entry of aircraft into service
by the manufacturer prior to initial entry of aircraft into service

The operator must establish the mass of the traffic load:

by actual weighing or determine the mass of the traffic load in accordance with standard masses as specified in EU-OPS subpart J
prior to embarking on the aircraf
by using an appropriate method of calculation as specified in the EU-OPS 1 subpart J
prior to initial entry into service

The mass of the fuel load must be determined:

by the pilot using actual density or by density calculation specified in the Operations Manual
by the fuel bowser operator using actual density or by density calculation specified in the Fuelling Manual
by the owner using actual density or by density calculation specified in EUOPS 1 subpart J
by the operator using actual density or by density calculation specified in the Operations Manual

The dry operating mass is the total mass of the aeroplane ready for a specific type of operation and includes:

Crew and their baggage, catering and passenger service equipment, potable water and lavatory chemicals
Crew baggage, catering and other special equipment, potable water and lavatory chemicals
Crew and passenger baggage, special equipment, water and chemicals
Crew and their hold baggage, special equipment, water and contingency fuel

The maximum zero fuel mass is the maximum permissible mass of the aeroplane:

including all usable fuel unless the Aeroplane Flight Operations Manual explicitly excludes it
with no usable fuel
with no usable fuel unless the Aeroplane Flight Manual Limitations explicitly include it
including the fuel taken up for take-of

The maximum structural take-off mass is:

the maximum permissible total aeroplane mass at the start of the take-off run
the maximum permissible total aeroplane mass on completion of the refuelling operation
the maximum permissible total aeroplane mass for take-off but excluding fuel
the maximum permissible total aeroplane mass for take-off subject to the limiting conditions at the departure airfield

The regulated take-off mass:

is the maximum performance limited take-off mass subject to any last minute mass changes
is the lower of maximum structural take-off mass and the performance limited take-off mass
is the higher of the maximum structural zero fuel mass and the performance limited take-off mass
is the maximum structural take-off mass subject to any last minute mass changes

The take-off mass is:

the mass of the aeroplane including everyone and everything contained within it at the start of the take-off run
the maximum permissible total aeroplane mass on completion of the refuelling operation
the maximum permissible total aeroplane mass for take-off but excluding fuel
the maximum permissible total aeroplane mass at the start of the take-off run

The operating mass:

is the actual mass of the aircraft on take-of
is the lower of the structural mass and the performance limited mass
is the higher of the structural mass and the performance limited mass
is the dry operating mass and the fuel load
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