How much do you know about mental health?

How much do you know about mental health?

Mental health is important in many ways in our lives. This quick quiz will help you to figure out how much you know about the topic. Let's start?

Imagem de perfil user: Raíza



What's the definition of mental health?

Having knowledge about your fellings, being able to cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and make a contribution to the the world in a health way
Not having depression, anxiety and other mental illness
Be always happy, in a good humor and being optimistic about everything that happens in life

What are common symptoms of anxiety?

Rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating and unregulated breathing
Felling very sad and having suicidal thoughts, absence of will to live
Having too much energy on your body and not being able to do only one thing at a time

What are the main symptoms of depression?

A temporary and light lack of energy, irritability and tiredness
Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness; loss of interest in activities and things once enjoyed
Having too much energy on your body and not being able to do only one thing at a time

Why is self-esteem important for mental health?

It's not important for mental health
It influences how we perceive and cope with life's challenges, affecting our overall well-being
It makes us improve our beauty, what help us in getting attention from others

What are warning signs of a potential mental health issue?

Felling too much hapiness and being good vibes
Changes in eating or sleeping habits, avoiding social activities, lack of interest, alcoholism
Only the use of drugs, alcohol and self-harming can be warning signs

What are some coping strategies for dealing with mental issues?

Avoiding problems and hoping they'll go away by themselves
Engaging in physical activity, practicing relaxation techniques, and seeking social support
Isolate yourself from everything and everyone until things get better

Is it possible to have physical symptoms when you have mental issues

It's possible and very common
It's impossible

In wich cases psychological therapy is indicated?

Only for serious and hard cases
For everyone. It can help you to learn about yourself and manage your emotions
To none. Therapy doesn't work and no one should search for it

What aspects can contribute to someone's mental health to get worse?

Toxic environments, bad family relationships, discouraging words, overwhelming
There are no aspects that influence in someone's mental health
Only the person's own thoughts influence their mental health
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