What your sleep says abou you?
Scientists have finally discovered exactly how much sleep a human needs. “Just five minutes more.”

How many hours of sleep do you typically get per night?

8+ hours

Less than 4 hours

Around 5-6 hours

7-8 hours

How long does it take you to fall asleep?
Less than 10 minutes
I can’t fall asleep at all!
30+ minutes of tossing and turning
10-20 minutes is normal for me

How often do you feel tired throughout the day?
I rarely feel tired during the day
Almost always; I’m running on empty
Pretty often, but I power through
Only occasionally, if I have a rough night

What’s your sleep environment like?
I have the perfect setup – cozy and dark
It doesn’t matter; I still can’t sleep
It could be better, but I’m used to it
I make a decent effort to create a sleep-friendly environment

How do you feel about naps?
Love them! I take them often
I wish I could nap, but I can’t fall asleep
I might nap if I’m completely exhausted
Occasionally, if I’m feeling a bit tired

How do you feel in the mornings?
Refreshed and ready to start the day
Completely drained, like I never even slept
Groggy and barely functioning
A bit sluggish but generally okay

What’s your relationship with caffeine?
I don’t really need it, but I’ll have a cup if I want
I’m practically living on caffeine
I rely on it to get through the day, but I try to limit myself
I enjoy a cup or two to stay alert, but I could go without it

What’s the first thing you do before bed?
I have a whole routine to help me unwind
I keep myself busy or worry about the day
Scroll through my phone or watch TV
Brush my teeth, maybe read a bit, and sleep

How often do you wake up in the middle of the night?
Rarely, I sleep right through
Multiple times, I can never stay asleep
Once or twice on rough nights
Occasionally, but I can usually go back to sleep

How do you feel about bedtime?
I look forward to it – I love my sleep!
I dread it because I know I won’t get rest
I’m neutral; I just go when I’m tired
I try to keep a steady routine, so it’s pretty routine for me

Do you ever stay up to finish something important?
Hardly – I need my sleep
All the time – it’s how I end up barely sleeping
Sometimes, but I regret it the next day
Only if I really need to, but I’ll make up the sleep later

Do you use any sleep supports (melatonin, white noise, etc.)?
No, I don’t need them
Yes, but they don’t really work for me
Occasionally, to help when I’m especially tired
Only once in a while, if I need a bit of help

What’s your favorite time of day?
Morning – I feel energized and refreshed
Evening – because I’m finally not struggling to stay awake
Afternoon – I start to feel human by then
Anytime – I have energy throughout the day